
Annual Membership


Support Music Lives by becoming a member! Members receive:

  • Music Lives pin back button and sticker
  • Weekly newsletter in your inbox sharing the upcoming events for that week, and any reviews, interview, etc. posted to the site
  • One vote at our annual general meetings
SKU: N/A Category:

Membership prices are sliding scale in our effort to remain accessible to as many folks as possible.

Here’s a self-assessment to determine which rate is right for you (credit):

  1. Are you and your family homeowners or landowners?
  2. Have you attended private education institutions or do you have an advanced degree?
  3. Are your bills or credit cards on autopay?
  4. Do you have zero to no debt and/or do you have disposable income?
  5. Do you have a safety net composed of “financially stable” or wealthy family and friends?
  6. Does your income only support you, and not other loved ones?
  7. Have you or do you expect to inherit money or property?
  8. Have you (or could you have) attended college?
  9. Have you (or could you have) attended graduate school?

Based on your answers to the self assessment, here are the suggested rates.

If you answered almost all no → $25
If you answered more no than yes → $50
If you answered more yes than no → $75
If you answered almost all yes → $100