Katie Chadwick & Ethan MacKinnon

Manhattans Music Club 951 Gordon Street [Unit 7], Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Katie Chadwick has been singing since she was 8 years old and continues to pursue her love for music. Recording covers with her uncle for her Youtube channel and playing […]

Bo at McCabes

McCabe's Irish Pub Guelph 9 Wyndham St N, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Catch Bo playing at McCabes Guelph every Thursday at 10pm. @itsbomusic

Jakob Durst Trio

Manhattans Music Club 951 Gordon Street [Unit 7], Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Jakob Durst is a young and devoted student of many musical forms. Although drawing his main influence from creative and improvised music, namely the Black American Art-form “Jazz”, he is […]


Which Craft 91 Wyndham St N,, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

SUPAFONICS AT 9:30PM! We're a high-energy funk and dance band with a super tight sound and a knack for getting people on their feet. We've been performing at venues across […]

Wet Pancakes with Cloudstreet

Jimmy Jazz 52 MacDonnell, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Wet Pancakes are playing with Cloudstreet at Jimmy Jazz on Friday January 3rd at 10pm. Free show. 19+ @wet.pancakes.music @cloudstreetband

Brothers Matinee Series: The Break Even Boys

Brothers Brewing Company 15 Wyndham St N, Guelph, ON, Guelph, Canada

Another January, another Saturday Matinee Series! 2PM EVERY Saturday in January. Mark your calendars! MATINEE SERIES - JAN 4TH - THE BREAK EVEN BOYS @thebreakevenboys @jason_lane__ - JAN 11TH - […]


Alejandra Nunez Trio

Manhattans Music Club 951 Gordon Street [Unit 7], Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Ale Nunez is a musician from Toronto Ontario, she is heavily influenced by jazz and soul, and is currently attending Humber College for their bachelor of music degree program. She’s […]

Interstellar Storyteller

Which Craft 91 Wyndham St N,, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Interstellar Storyteller live at Which Craft! Saturday January 4th at 9:30pm @interstellar.storyteller

Perfect Strangers, Dumb Crush, and Lovers

Jimmy Jazz 52 MacDonnell, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Perfect Strangers, Dumb Crush, and Lovers are all playing at the Jimmy Jazz on Saturday January 4th. 19+. Free show. @perfectstrangersofficial @dumbcrushband @loversband._

Open Stage at The Cornerstone

The Cornerstone 1 Wyndham St N, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Open Stage with @hellionton every Sunday, 3-6pm!

Karaoke Night at Which Craft

Which Craft 91 Wyndham St N,, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

KARAOKE NIGHT - EVERY SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY AT 8PM When the music starts, the fun begins! Drop by tonight and enjoy our local craft beer and signature cocktails!

Bo at McCabes

McCabe's Irish Pub Guelph 9 Wyndham St N, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Catch Bo playing at McCabes Guelph every Sunday at 9pm. @itsbomusic

Open Mic!

Jimmy Jazz 52 MacDonnell, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

10pm Sunday Nights downtown Guelph at Jimmy Jazz! $3.75 mixed drinks. Come early for 1/2 price chicken wings until 945pm and stay for open stage hosted by Murphy D!

Adrian Raso with Gavino Loche

Adrian Raso and Gavino Loche are playing at Royal City Mission on Saturday January 25th at 7pm. Tickets are $35 each.


Mike Tea

Atmosphere Cafe 24 Carden St, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Mike Tea plays at the Atmosphere Cafe every Tuesday from 6-8pm. All ages, free show. @miketea_in_1870